Monday, July 30, 2007

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Sunday, July 29, 2007

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Saturday, July 28, 2007

More On The Ground, July 28
Headline: A long war on terror draws to a close at last
Neil Griffiths, writing about deployment to Northern Ireland:
The big fear for us teenage soldiers on the ground was that we could be shot at any moment and our pulses steadily increased as tension grew.

Lebanon Daily Star online , July 26
A few cinematic facts on the ground about Palestine
Hamid Dabashi's "Dreams of a Nation" is vital, if uneven, reading for students of the region's cinema
By Jim Quilty
Daily Star staff, july 28 (south african news Web site) (last paragraph)
Headline: We cannot rely on SA leader alone: Zim

Harare - A faction of Zimbabwe's divided opposition said on Saturday that the country could not wait for outsiders to liberate them from on-going political and economic problems, an official said.

Arthur Mutambara, leader of the breakaway faction of the Movement for Democratic Change, told a news conference that although the MDC leadership had resolved to engage Southern African Development Community mediation efforts there was a need for home-grown solutions.

"More significantly, the council noted that Zimbabweans cannot outsource their emancipation and liberation to foreigners," Mutambara said after a meeting of his governing national council here.

"We must not be solely dependent on the (South African President Thabo) Mbeki initiative. We must have an alternative programme of action on the ground that seeks to achieve conditions for free and fair elections."

wsj online, july 28
General Petraeus Needs Time
July 28, 2007; Page A9
'This [Iraq] war is lost," Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has stated emphatically and without qualification. "There's simply no evidence that the escalation is working," he said recently. It requires "blind hope, blind trust" to believe in progress of any sort.

Sen. Reid is now in the position of having to deny facts on the ground in order to sustain his bleak judgments. And his job is getting more difficult all the time.


Civic and Citizen Journalism Interest Group
Journalism That Matters Coalition

AEJMC convention on Aug. 8 has a day devoted to convergence in the classroom.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

More on the Ground

Just google it-- all from one google page on july 12

National Review Online July 12,
W. Thomas Smith, Marine on the Hilltop

Which brings me to Iraq, the American soldiers involved, the antiwar crowd which condemns their efforts — yet contend they support the troops — and the feverish waving of the interim assessment of progress — or the lack thereof — being made on the ground (which began days before the assessment’s release, and two months before Gen. David Petraeus is to formally report on the status of operations and progress in Iraq).

The Economist online, July 12
The bloody stalemate persists

So Iraq is stuck in a military and political deadlock. American generals on the ground continue to urge patience. This week the overall commander, General David Petraeus, again noted that “the average counter-insurgency is somewhere around a nine- or a ten-year endeavour”. On the same day as the bomb in Amirli, he said he expected the insurgents to launch a series of sensational attacks, staging a “mini-Tet”—a reference to the offensive by the Viet Cong in 1968 that is often said to have persuaded the American people that the Vietnam war was unwinnable. The general is to present his assessment of the Iraq war to Congress in mid-September. But on present trends, he may not be given more than half a year to turn things round.

The Independent online July 11
The impossible task set for an embattled government

Politics in Iraq is largely stalemated. The "surge", the introduction of 22,000 more US troops, has had only a limited effect on the ground. Sectarian warfare between Shia and Sunni in the capital declined for a few months but then rose again. Baghdad is increasingly a Shia-dominated city. The US Army did not in the event confront the Shia militias, something it now demands the Iraqi government should do.

Financial Gazette (Harare) online July 11
Zimbabwe: Of Price Controls And the Social Contract

While the government has been blaming, threatening and cracking down on business, there has been no corresponding action on the ground by the government to create an enabling environment for the businesses to operate in and thrive. Government seems to be oblivious of the fact that the major driver of hyperinflation in Zimbabwe has not been profiteering and overcharging by business but rather excessive government expenditure and a budget deficit that is being financed largely through seigniorage. Government is simply playing the blame game by refusing culpability and responsibility for the crisis.

George Bush July 12 news conference
via Chicago Tribune online
Securing the nation will “create the conditions that will allow our troops to start coming home,’’ the president said, insisting that he will start withdrawing forces when “commanders on the ground’’ say conditions are right – “not because pollsters say it will be good politics.’’

Sen. Joe Biden at NAACP candidate forum, quoted in Detroit Free Press July 12

'There's more to do,' Obama tells adoring crowd at candidates' forum

Biden told the crowd that he is the best equipped to assume the presidency because of his experience and his plans.

In a subtle dig at Obama’s age, Biden said, “I’ve been around a while, and I’m old enough to remember the civil rights movement … And no one has a plan for dealing with the reality on the ground in Iraq. I’m the only candidate who's laid out a detailed plan to end the war in Iraq.”

On the Ground! July 12:
"The president is pleading for more patience," said CNN White House correspondent Ed Henry. "He's not really offering a new prescription to deal with the violence on the ground in Iraq. Instead he's urging lawmakers to give him until September to see if the current troop increase will work -- but a growing number of his fellow Republicans are telling him time is running out and they want a course change sooner than September."

Friday, July 6, 2007

The Impotence of Proofreading

For 1051:

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

AP multimedia